
What is the insurance premium leave and what are the risks

What is the insurance premium leave and what are the risks. Many terms in the world of insurance and many ordinary people who do not understand what the meaning of terms in life insurance, including me even though I was still unfamiliar with the words of the term insurance. Why many ordinary people who do not understand, even those who become insurance customers once may be the first time heard, boro-boro understand the terms of insurance. It may be a low curiosity, lazy to find out, or maybe it does not matter at all. Whereas in the insurance there are terms and conditions that apply and must be understood and obeyed its customers. Because that would certainly be very useful for ourselves especially if it is so insurance customers, because it will help customers avoid mistakes or in order to avoid violations of the terms or conditions usually contained in the articles in the policy book specified by the company insurance.

The risk if it is violated due to the ignorance of its customers, then it could be insurance claims will be rejected or polisnya to lapse / fall, loss for the customer. Well this investment value that will continue to accumulate more and more. Until a certain period if the value is enough, the value of this investment could be used or cut to pay insurance costs that exist each month, because the value of this investment also has something to do with premium leave I'm discussing this. Premium Leave is the period when the customer stops paying the premium for a certain period of time, but the policy will still apply as long as the Investment Value is sufficient to pay for the insurance costs.

Just as employees are granted employment leave privileges from their employers, premium insurance premiums are also facilities provided by insurance companies to their customers. This premium leave facility will greatly help customers to adjust their circumstances to make family financial plans so that financial difficulties can be overcome without having to redeem and close the insurance policy. Premium leave can be intentionally or forced to do, depending on the situation of the customer at that time. Premium Leave in deliberate, meaning that customers already understand the provisions and indeed intend on their own because there is a certain purpose. Premium leave for forced, for example when the customer is in a state of financial difficulties, usually the premium payment is stuck. Because of this condition was forced to leave Premium Leave the customer.